Infrastructure In our Locality – Mandi


Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the development of an area .Well managed infrastructure not only help in smooth functioning of a system but is also an indicator of prosperity, beauty, development and vision of inhabitants of that particular area. No doubts Infrastructure is sufficient according to need of people in our locality, but it is not up to mark with day by day growing need of people .We have well reputed educational institution including a Govt college in prime location which not only fulfill needs of local people but also of surrounding and distant areas. IIT. ITI, well equipped schools in Govt and private sector, many other private college as well as educational institution are running smoothly here. Same time we have sufficient health care centre in both Govt and Private sector, Hotels restaurant and Marriage hall like Bayas-sadan, Khatri-sabha, etc Indira market located in mid point is center of attraction for visitor as a shopping mall and a meeting place for friends & relatives as well as a garden for children. Like wise. Distt High court, post office ,SDM office all are situated in one line, If you are visiting this place for first time , you can locate any of these places easily Tarna Temple Bhimakali temple, Gurudawara, Bhuthnath temple Gayarh Rudrh temple fulfill religious needs of local people and centre of attraction for Visitor, In every street and corner we you see a temple here that’s the reason this place is known as Chotti Kassi. Fresh construction of Sabji Mandi, new pull and By pass through Mangbyain have sorted out many problem including Jam, crowdedness and garbage. Small industrial area developing at Sholi-khud which supply day to day commodities need a visionary & eco-friendly approach for its full-fledged growth.
.New bus stand which is in completion stage will give relief form mud, garbage, and dirtiness which usually give bad impression about Mandi and spoil first site of tourist .So at present infrastructure which need to expand in sustainable manner fulfill current needs of inhabitant but its maintenance is problem here, To maintain proper infrastructure is the duty of municipal committee ,other local bodies along with common people, Due to poor management people have to suffer now and then In spite of paying taxes they have to bother about its miserable condition . Disposal of garbage is not proper in spite of Big dustbin people use to through things outside. Same time its cleaning up is also not regular so you have to pass by covering your nose .New pull is latest design but beggars are lying here and there distracting passengers, Raidivalys have occupied a huge space again making road crowdies. Cinema hall is in very Bad shape. Victoria pull has become too much crowdie, With increase in number of vehicle parking has become a big – big problem, Power cut to street light with delay of electricity bill is another big problem which people are suffering at present With passage of time there is huge urbanization resulted due to immigration of people from surrounding area which day by day causing shortage of required infrastructure so need of hour is to expand market and develop surrounding areas with proper vision in eco- friendly way and replacement of street light with solar light, Renovation of cinema hall & Victoria pull etc Finally I must say Municipal committee should concentrate about proper management and eminence of available resources by seeking common people assistance.

Author :- Tara sen
Assistt Proff in Botany

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