Jobs – need of evenone


Many peoples mostly young people who did professional courses of Himachal Pradesh find difficulties in getting right job for their qualification. This section of District Mandi is mainly focus to help any job seeker to grasp the opportunities provided by District Mandi Web Portal.

Why our great talent goes outside and did not get right job here ?
— This is all because non-awareness, poor management and lacks of system, due to all these local guys does not get growing opportunities here and he/she unwillinglyhunting jobs out side Himachal Pradesh.

District Mandi Web Portal presents a unique system which will help both service provider and job seeker. We provide free of cost Job and career consultation service.

How can we help you ?
— We can help you by different ways listed below:-
1. Listing of all vacancies for private and govt. sector.
2. Send us your Resume we will find job matching your resume(Coming Soon).
3. Employer will send us their requirement and we will show job requirement in Job section of District Mandi Web Portal.
4. Job Seeker can directly contact Employer or contact Us.

So why you wait send us your job requirement or Resume so that employer will got best talent and job seeker will get right job.

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