HP GK – General Statistical Information of Himachal Pradesh

Indira market Mandi Himachal Pradesh

Below is the Statistical data of Himachal Pradesh

Area of Himachal Pradesh 55673 Sq km
Population of Himachal Pradesh 6,864,602
Males Population 3,481,873
Females Population 3,382,729
Population density 123
Sex ratio 972
Rural population 6,176,050
Urban population 688,552
Scheduled Caste population 1,729,252
Scheduled Tribe population 392,126
Literacy rate 83.78%
Male literacy 90.83%
Female literacy 76.60%
Capitals Shimla, Dharamshala
Districts 12
Sub-divisions 62
Tehsils 149
Sub-tehsils 35
Developmental blocks 78
Towns 59
Panchayats 3,226
Panchayat smities 77
Zila parishad 12
Urban local bodies 49
Nagar nigams 2
Nagar parishads 25
Nagar panchayats 23
Census villages 20,690
Inhabited villages 17,495
Health institutions 3,866
Educational institutions 17,000
Motorable roads 33,722 km
National highways 8
Identified hydroelectric potential 23,000.43 MW
Potential harnessed 10,264 MW
Food grain production 1579,000 tonnes
Vegetable production 900,000 tonnes
Fruit production 1,027,000 tonnes
Per capita income 130,067 (2015–16)
Social Security pensions 237,250 persons, annual expenditure: over ₹ 600 million
Investment in industrial areas ₹ 273.80 billion, employment opportunities: Over 337,391
Employment generated in government sector 80,000

Note: Population information is based on 2011 Census.

  • Largest District (Area wise) – 1. Lahul and Spiti 13841, 2. Chamba 6522, 3. Kinnaur 6401, 4. Kangra 5739, 5. Kullu 5503
  • Percentage of Child – 1. Chamba 13.55%, 2. Sirmaur 13.14% 3. Solan 11.74%, 4. Kullu 11.52%, 5. Una 11.36%/li>
  • High Density – 1. Hamirpur 407, 2. Una 338, 3. Bilaspur 327, 4. Solan 300, 5. Kangra 263
  • Top Population Growth – 1. Una 16.26%, 2. Solan 15.93%, 3. Sirmaur 15.54%, 4. Kullu 14.76%, 5. Kangra 12.77%
  • High Literacy – 1. Hamirpur 100%, 2. Una 87.23%, 3. Kangra 86.49%, 4. Blaspur 85.87%, 5. Solan 85.02%
  • High Sex Ratio – 1. Hamirpur 1050, 2. Kangra 1012, 3. Mandi 1007, 4. Chamba 986, 5. Bilaspur 981

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