Helpful tips regarding govt job exams


We have launched a dedicated website which will help the govt job aspirants who are preparing for various govt jobs including, HPSSSB, HPPSC, SSC, UPSC, Banking, Railways and private sectors jobs. All these examination has different pattern and screening test (e.g. object questions) consist  many subjects e.g. if we consider upcoming Junior Office Assistant(IT) for this Exam, HPSSB has a unique pattern and specific amount of questions will be asked from Himachal general knowledge, English, Current affair, Computer knowledge and etc, but boards major focus will be on computer knowledge questions, so all the aspirants who are preparing for this exam must have good command over computer fundamental,  computer basic, Internet and web technologies and MS office like application software.

In out new website Q2 Academy we are currently focusing on JOA(IT) exams pattern and specifically major section which is computer knowledge, we have post important MCQs, which are expected in this upcoming exam on 21st March, 2021. All the materials available on our new website Q2 Academy is completely free. We are working hard to help job aspirants to same their time searching here and there for good content (Most expected MCQs) along with answers.

In the 1st week of April 2021, we shall starting other subjects MCQs as well.

We are hoping you guys will find our new website helpful and do subscribe it and also like facebook page associated with this website, Please follow Q2 Academy on FB. Kindly support us by sharing among your friends and known who are preparing for govt jobs or are still studying and focusing for future examination. 


Thank you. 🙂

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